Rescue Journal

the trouble with daytime cold and flu meds is...

Carol  ·  Mar 18, 2013

they do not last thru an entire work day. whatever..i came home as soon as my work was done so i could down the heavier duty night time long as i can breathe, not too much is going to bug me tonight.

both dionne and i have been keeping an eye on crosby..apparently she was acting odd on the weekend. she seems to be doing ok now but keeping in mind she is a very old commercial turkey and gawd only knows what ancient time bombs are ticking inside.

tess was getting a bit sore with her betadine flushes so i talked to the vet and we have some new stuff to try..she should like it a whole lot more. ok...well..maybe like is the wrong word...correction..she will probably hate it a whole lot less.

i think everyone (except me...) is pretty much ok today so that is hopefully it for the news.
