Rescue Journal

hah! i have been waiting....

Carol  ·  Mar 28, 2013

ziggy figured out how to turn on the barn lights again. i can't sleep and was surfing around and bing..on went the barn lights! i wondered when he would figure out how to get his lips around that block of wood...yay! smart boy..he has got it...he just turned them off again.

guess i better replace that broken switch plate before he gets a shock on his lips.
love that freaking very smart.
holy crap..he is on a roll...on/off/on/off/on/off...too funny.

and poor odie can't even figure out how to eat with a cone...donkeys are way better problem solvers than huskies....they are equal in uncooperativeness tho.


Carol Ann

way to go Ziggy ! Thanks, that made me laugh this morning. He's on a roll lol