we didn't get the birds moved today..i ran out of time and brent was short the right tools so we will finish the move off next weekend for sure.
charlie's new crippled rooster outside playpen is great! thx brent for getting that together too today! I am going to be looking for a very small house for inside it. just in case Charlie wants to be outside for the greater part of the day and needs a cosy nap. I want him to feel really comfortable in his daytime yard in every possible way.
blonde buddy has gone into permanent foster care with lynne. she had an immediate connection with bud and her home is so much better for him. yay for blonde buddy and lynne and yay for me..one less dog to trip over here!
brown buddy nicely beat the crap out of crash. what I mean by nicely is..he knocked him down, gave him total frustrated shit but didn't actually hurt him. as soon as crash's punishment was done..he was right back at buddy bugging the shit out of him again. I finally stepped in and made crash leave buddy alone. I would rather buddy got the message thru himself so crash would be respectful when I am not around. but buddy is just too patient and gentle and crash knows I am not.
dumb dog....(crash... not buddy)...buddy is a socially super smart dog.
we will be keeping an eye on billy..apparently he is developing a bit of a head tilt. I checked him three times but he was snuggled in with his bunny buddies so I couldn't really see it. I will have to try again tomorrow to see how he is.
chief is looking much better, if he keeps improving we can set him loose again in a couple of days.
those damn pigs outsmarted me tonight. they politely followed me back to their pen and while they were eating their apples, I stayed to fix up their house. they were done the apples before me and so they buggered off. despite calling them to come back...all I saw was their asses as they trotted back off down the road. chris and michelle got them two more apples so we went thru the whole production again. this time the humans sort of won, the pigs got their second dessert and then went to bed.
I think that is most of the news today...at least the news that I know.
yay lynne and buddy! lynne, remember you can drop the "blonde" off his name now :)