it's a baileys and hot chocolate night...mmmmm.
Carol · Apr 20, 2013
it was a lovely and quiet afternoon...I had a quick power nap, got the barn guys all settled before the rain could start and am watching a movie with the computer room guys.
you know if you said to 100 people that a pet was forever...they would all agree.
but 50% will dump or rehome their animal and feel it is ok because..
a pet is forever
when you have to move.
when they shed.
if they become too much work or trouble.
if you get busy or the kids grow up.
if they become ill or old.
if they start to pee in the house or scratch the furniture.
if you get tired of looking after them.
if you want to downsize or retire.
if they develop any kind of problem.
if someone wants a newer more fun model.
and if they simply become inconvenient.
we can bang our heads against the wall as much as we want and people will really not ever get it. they will agree with us in principle but not in their actions.
animals will continue to be disposable as long as people can think of an exception.
It was a lovely afternoon with the animals that other "pet loving" people just brushed off.
I just received my acceptable letter for an information booth for SAINTS RESCUE at the Denman Street Car Free Day. It's the Sunday prior to the Open House.