cooper cannot get up on his own today.
he is pretty light so as long as he doesn't get any worse, we can probably give him some time to see how things go.
so on the weekend..please gently slide a towel underneath him..tuck it tight up into his groin and slowly help him up to his feet. let him stand supported for a few minutes to get his stability, then help him outside to pee. if he is steady and moving with little can take the towel out and let him toddle around for a couple of minutes on his own. but please don't leave him, stay close by in case he needs help and use the towel to support him back in the house. make sure the gym mats are clean, dry and padded well up and gently lay him back down there cuz I do not want him going down on the hard floor. make sure he is offered fresh food and water frequently while you are here as he will be without both til I get home.
the next few days will be wait and see but we can make sure coop is comfortable and has everything that he needs.
Poor sweet Cooper. His old face is so iconic to me of Saints. Hope he bounces back! :( gentle hugs to you Cooper