everyone might be happy to know that yesterday mo, tammy and I got THE most disgusting job on the to-do list done...the deep annual spring cleaning of the front outside cat run. it took 3 of us almost 4 freaking hours but it is fully done.
that cat run is one of my biggest functionally sucks big time shelter design mistakes...I had it roofed...I had it painted white and I had cement pads put down for the base...dumb ass dumb mistakes.
big thx to both mo and tammy for being so toxically brave.
maybelle has reached the point of feeling a bit better, she is eating and drinking on her own but making a huge mess. she will need full bathing and blow drying daily during this messy recovery stage.
mo dropped chloe off for me at the vets. she will be staying in for a couple of days since we can't get her to eat or drink.
I went to pick up preacher from the vets yesterday..they showed me how to best express his bladder. but he had so much blood in his urine that I ended up leaving him there. colleen is back in today so I will talk to her and find out why that is.
I am a bit worried about taking him on...unlike the other bladder neurogenics here, his bladder does not overflow when it is full. this puts his bladder at huge risk of rupture. all it takes is missing one bladder expression or a day when he drinks a ton of extra water or a hidden kidney function problem that suddenly appears. anyway I want to make sure we are capable of responsibly caring for him.
shit..it is late! i better get ready for work!
build it like the others...unpainted, pressure treated wood, gravel floor, wire roof.