Dionne, erin and renee were with him. I saw him at 7:30 and he was his normal self but when the staff came in at 9 he was down and needed help to get up. renee checked him over, noted his gums were really pale and immediately called the vets. shep died within five minutes. they said it was quick, he did not suffer and they were all with him and he was not alone.
the vet thinks he probably suffered a ruptured aneurysm given the symptoms and how quickly he passed away.
shep was almost 17 and he would have hated a slower more vulnerable ending.
I think shep really liked it here...he liked hanging out at the barn and being spoon fed..and i think he liked that we all really cared about him.
rest in peace shep, you will be greatly missed by many.
and big thanks to the saints staff for helping him during his passing. shep would have been very grateful that you were all with him then.
thanks for help in the garden last weekend, Shep.
You were a NICE dog