an hour and a half for ICBC.
three hours to get the trailer out into the driveway, one inch at a time which drove the dogs insane.
a bad-ass thundering rain storm to further add to their insanity.
and little innocent squirt was hurt. he took a tooth puncture to the neck over food from that giant mass of stupidness....bobo the boob. squirty's feelings are so very hurt....and his neck hurts a little bit too.
i'd really like to add bo to the feeling some pain list but I can' not to be able to beat the crap out of idiot dogs when they so deserve it. but I am still pissed as hell.
babysitting went well with ethan yesterday..babies are so much nicer than big and stupid, greedy, grabbing dogs..i will say it again...grhhhh bo! I am so freaking unbelievably pissed off!
and I am going to stay pissed until squirt comes out of his little safe house and forgets that there is a mean, freaking dickhead somewhere around here who stuck a tooth in his neck.
poor innocence shattered babe.
nicki's sutured areas look better, the abx are doing their thing.
pepper has to go to the vets this morning, the masses in his lymph nodes are getting scary big.
benny is the biggest dog here but he is also the biggest storm afeared baby...he literally tried to climb over the back cat gate but I wouldn't let wasn't any less thundering in there. and while the cats didn't care too much about the thunder, they would not have been happy to find in their midst a 150 pound terrified polar bear.
that's all of the news from yesterday...not great but today we are all (except sad little squirt) somewhat ok.
hey!how come no one is damn lucky to have me???