Rescue Journal

the windchimes

Carol  ·  Jun 26, 2013

I have been picking up some of the last of the recent windchimes over the past couple of days. I hung them this afternoon.

puffy got a beautiful rooster because she had wanted to have a life of being a strong, proud and free bird instead of having to endure the sad and trapped life of a battery hen.

river got a zen type windchime because he had such dignity and wisdom.

zsu zsu got a beautiful peacock because her beauty was hidden, not readily apparent on her messy outside.

maybelle got a sweet and cheerful little fairy angel with wings because that was maybelle.

ed's is a large half moon and half sun because ed was a typical chow combination of both dark and light...and he was totally ok with that!

griffin got a motorcycle cuz he liked to motor around AND he knew he was tough and totally cool.

pepper's is a peace sign. that was all that he ever wanted....peace where ever he went.

such great animals, I miss them.



Got one in mind for Pat. One fellow I live with at my new place does stained glass, so he will make one for me. I guess this will give everyone an idea of his work and cost. then he could do more in the future as per request


ann keeps up with each passing saint, shelter or foster and she has a friend who keeps the memorial stones up to date as of the open house.
I am here on sunday.


awww that is sweet and yes thankyou to whoever did them. i will get my girl a windchime so her windchime can be with her friends. are you working on sun carol.


today i was in the memorial garden with bo, i usually untangle the chimes but they were all still good from the open house major clean. anyways, i was looking at the rocks, and found one for bambi. so then i thought, hey, maybe theres one for bear too...lo and behold, yep there was. so i put em side by side. i like those rocks, who is responsible for them? whoever you are, your doing a great job, its maybe a small thing, but i notice.

another Doreen

Save-on Foods/Price Smart/Coopers do get some neat things in their seasonal areas. I got some neat wind chimes there this year too, was thinking of some of my own dearly departed pets at the time.


as a rule I leave the choosing and hanging of chimes in the memorial garden for dearly departed foster animals to the foster families. some hang them, others don't. it is entirely up to the foster families...they are the primary bearers of the sad loss and ensuing personal grief. not my place to intrude into this by arbitrarily choosing chimes for someone well loved and sorely missed from a foster home.


im thinking we never got a windchime for big bambi, so i will do that carol. she deserves to have a place on the windchime tree. just gotta think of something special for her and if you can think of something let me know. and i am not getting a deer lol


hi linda..I pick them up and garden stores, liquidation stores,...even save on foods sometimes has some pretty neat ones..i just bought quite a few in save-on recently.

I just keep an eye out for windchimes where ever I am.


that's fine penny. but while we are on the subject...a couple of things for everyone to keep in mind regarding the windchimes...

I have no problem at all if someone wants to pick up a windchime for one of our guys as long as

A. they tell me cuz space is limited on the windchime trees so it saves space by not having multiple chimes for one animal.

and B..if you say you are going to pick one up..please do it because if you say you are, then I won't and if in the end you don't actually do it, then they don't get a rememberence chime and that<em><strong> really </strong></em>bothers me.


I quietly put up a hummingbird windchime for Bun Jovi & O'Grady some time ago, just from me. Hope that was O.K??


What a lovely idea! May I ask where you buy yours? I have 3 old dogs and would like to carry on your windchime idea, if you don't mind.


ah shit! I totally forgot shep!! duh. I will find one for him...thx for the reminder.
I haven't gotten o'grady's or bun jovi's yet either but I hadn't forgotten them, just didn't find anything yet.


That is awesome Carol, I had no idea such thought went into buying the windchimes but I should have known! I love this garden, such a wonderful tribute to all the animals that have blessed SAINTS doors and touched many hearts.


How lovely, Carol. It's awesome that you consider their unique personalities when buying the windchimes. The memorial garden was what made the biggest impression on me when I had my first tour of Saints (almost 2 years ago, can't believe it). It's so touching and peaceful, and you can feel the spirit of all the precious souls who have passed on, never to be forgotten. Love the plaque that Curt put in there recently, as well!

Bunny Horne

Brings tears to the eyes. They are all perfect, but most perfect is Griffin's - he absolutely would be sporting a tiny leather jacket and riding a kick ass Harley. Ride On Sweet Griffin - Ride On.