Rescue Journal


Carol  ·  Jun 27, 2013

I spent the day at my daughters baking 10 loaves of bread. my kids all like it so I parcel them out equally for everyone...makes me feel like a mom again.
I am back to work after the weekend so my vacation extra time to do this kind of stuff will be very limited again.

remmy is out on a trial with renee...we will see how he likes being an apartment cat. if he doesn't then he can come back.

squirt is back out and about so I am no longer mad at bo. he is currently asleep on the red leather couch with his head on a pillow..such a tough life for a massive moronic monster. now that both squirt and i are over the chaos that the giant boob perpetuated...bobo is pretty freaking cute once again.

I let a couple of the shelters know that we are open for a couple of admissions. no one is banging down the gate as yet but that is perfectly fine, the spots are here if someone needs and If they don't then that is ok.

mmmmm..dinner tonight is homemade soup and homemade bread...I think I am hungry!



Environment Canada issued a heat warning for this weekend. Reminder to everyone to be extra cautious that our furry buddies don't overheat. :)