star light, star bright, first star i see tonight...
Carol · Sep. 5, 2013
wish I may, wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight.
I think we only get one real wish come true in a lifetime.
I got was I stupid.
I was up dicking around in the house until 3 am. when I finally went to bed, I couldn't sleep cuz I hurt so bad. I think the last time I looked at the clock, it was almost 4:30. I slept in until 8:30 but I still feel like shit.
there are days that I hate rescue. don't get me wrong, I adore every freaking one of these animals but I hate being trapped in their lives.
star light, star bright, first star I see tonight...
wish I may, wish I might that no animal is ever homeless, neglected, abused, abandoned or alone and....
I can be free.
who knows, maybe someday a second wish will come true for me.
Best wishes to Jenn!
Best wishes to Jelly ... she's a sweetheart.