just tell me how much is worth the life of a dog???
cuz I just don't fucking know.
2 or 3 grand for vet bills?...5 or 6 grand for a fence?
and should these guys have a fucking price tag attached?????
money is not even REAL! it is a freaking made up human paper thing that we place such importance in. we have built our world and all of our lives on something someone made up and everyone else bought into.
stick someone on a deserted desert island with only a million bucks in their pocket and see how long they survive!
geezus lance, thanks for sticking me in the middle of a moral dilemma that most likely has no answer.
and where the hell is god, whispering in my ear, telling me the right thing to do OR even better... telling lance to quit jumping fences and trying to chase coyotes or kill our sheep?
yes I am upset. I am beyond frustrated and even afraid that lance is going to force me to do something I don't want to do.
I don't want to kill him and quite frankly, I don't want to shell out thousands of bucks on fencing either.
AND to top it all off...I DON"T WANT TO LOVE YOU!!!!
I fucking hate rescue.
sounds like what he needs is his own fortress of solitude.
a massive mountain with 12' high fences and just one person to walk and feed him.
if he didn't attack the sheep, i'd say he should be a herding dog.
i have heard of those fences. i've heard they're great! they also have special "tops" of fences to keep cats inside, but with his insane strength and determination, he'd find a way around it.