I had hoped to get a live stream of the ad but couldn't so copying over the script will have to do
(sfx: dog “woof” or pant -something to establish there’s a dog)
Meet “Rex” .... he’s an older dog, but he’s still full of love and SAINTS
was the only organization that helped him. (smile) Good boy....
(upbeat music bed)
SAINTS, the Senior Animals in Need Today Society invites
you to their 7th Annual Wishes 4 Whiskers Charity Dinner and Auction - Saturday, September 28th !
Help raise funds for senior and special needs animals.
SAINTS takes animals no one else wants - there’s no other Society quite like it.
Wishes 4 Whiskers is Sept 28th at Pitt Meadows golf Course, for
tickets - go to saints rescue dot c-a!
(Proudly sponsored by 93-7 JR FM) JR Version
(Proudly sponsored by 102.7 The Peak) Peak Version
Nicole heard the ad and she said it was wonderful!!!
If you hear it post here that you have
I heard it on Saturday - it was great - really well done!