my very first thought this morning before I had even opened my eyes was..."she's dead."
what a way to wake up. I jumped out of bed, and wobbled out to the rabbit room. she was laying flat out on her side in the shavings, somehow she had gotten off of her bed. her eyes were open and glazed and I couldn't see her breathing. arghhh!
as I bent down to touch her face whispering...ahhh honey...her legs started paddling in panic...
YAY!!! you are alive!!!
I picked her up and put her back on her bed, I gave her a nice, fresh drink and set up her tiny breakfast where she could reach. I covered her up and thanked her for not dying and came back to the house for my morning cup of tea.
Possible to keep really positive and not call Lisa, sad Lisa? Name her Lisa L.(Lamb) or Lisa S. (Sheep). Stupendous work S.A.I.N.T.S. crew. Marilyn