I was feeling pretty darn good this morning...not so much now. I think I picked up a mixed bag of virus's...Annabelle had the left overs of a sore throat last weekend, ethan has been sick all week and now Lindsey is down with something too. thank goodness it didn't hit me til late this afternoon cuz I am now on a couple of days off and can hopefully recoup before I go back to work next week.
the new senior cats are here...all of them are lovely in every respect.
the 4 little chi's are back for a month while Johanna is off to England...gawd they are freaking cute!!!
chevy arrived safely, he is pretty damn small for a three year old. he looks like a reindeer...he should have been named Rudolf!
he too is heart stopping cute esp. when he wears his bright yellow tennis balls on his horns...utterly adorable. I wonder if I can super glue them on there so they never fall off?
joy and Emily are beside themselves with their excitement of having what they think is their new baby brother. sorry guys, chevy is not anyones baby, he is a small but full grown steer.
ziggy is so going to totally flip out when he sees him tomorrow...a cow not much bigger than him!
chewie was better earlier today but did not eat his dinner tonight. I will see how he is in the morning.
is anyone available to pick up teddy from airco in Richmond on sunday around 10:15???
well I have had just about all the excitement that I can stand today..hot bath then I am falling into bed.
I can pick him up on the sat eve flight if you can get him on