we do ok up here cuz we we close all windows and dog doors, lock everyone in, leave on all the lights, turn up loud, all the TV's/radios.
it drowns outside firework noises out and everyone does fine inside of here.
except for me...the lights, the constant too loud noise from the TV's...it bugs me. it is not peaceful, it is not quiet, it is not restful, it's hours of bright/noisy assault on my senses...I do not like it at all.
I always feel so sorry for the animals left outside...so terrifying. the pounds fill up with panicked lost strays, and some never do make it to safety..they die out there, alone.. afraid.
I just watched the documentary "blackfish."
humans are so weird..we keep domesticated, human home dependent animals away from us where they would feel safe and we take wild creatures never meant to be held captive by humans, imprison them and slowly drive them insane.
we honestly as a species just do not give a shit about anything except getting whatever it is that we want...dogs and cats abandoned alone out in backyards, killer whales and dolphins trapped in cement bathtubs with millions of humans standing around watching the tricks and cheering them on..we think all of it is a-ok.
we make me sick.
I appreciated my old deaf dog last night too. After years of staying home and trying to protect my dogs from the stress of doorbells and fireworks, I was actually able to take them for a walk around the neighbourhood and see what other people were doing. I kept them on short leashes but old Tyke didn't hear when the fireworks went off. And my other dog Sable wasn't bothered by them either and he was fascinated by all the people and children out walking around. It was a much more interesting and less stressful Halloween for all of us!