Rescue Journal

a birds eye view of rescue

Carol  ·  Nov. 12, 2013

here is what has gone on here in the six weeks since gideons death...

6 deaths..Gideon, classy chick, chewie, liam, mini me and lance...three of those deaths I was responsible for.
12 new animals arrived went out to foster, one has been adopted, two have already passed away.

25 animals had vet visits..not including the ones that had multiple visits like angel and daphne.
we have one to one nursed 7 seriously ill animals over several days...liam, chewie, Passat, orion, max cat, angel, and daph.
both odie and chevy had major, highly stressful surgeries that worried me greatly.

we had absolute heart stopping, mind blowing disasters that rocked me to my knees...a huge betrayal of mine and saints trust, lances attack on Elizabeth and mini me, boomers attack on the classy chick and her death, mini me and lances death, gideons death and daphnes current illness.

the washer died.
the septic crapped out.
we have had plumbers, fencers, septic folks on site messing our routines up. we had had two large groups of visitors 20+ here on two different days.
we have been continually short one fulltime regular staff person and in the process of seeking to hire a replacement for the past several weeks.
there have been 2 major storms and one power outage.
we have taken 2 big financial hits in the past couple of months which is a total loss of somewhere around $14000.00.
we have the usual worries of climbing vet bills and other bills to be paid.
and we have the also usual daily worries and problems of dealing with a shitload of senior and sick animals who sometimes are assholes but still need to find happiness here.

this does not include the myriad of other issues, problems, tasks that need attention every day, nor the guilt I carry daily over Elizabeth, the classy chick, mini me and lance.

this is all just in the past 6 weeks...I am telling you..rescue is NOT for the weak.
and when I list it all out...I am beginning to think it might not be all that great for me either.



I've never met you, but know that I like you. I am grateful for what you do and how you do it. I often read your blog, sometimes it makes me sad, but it always makes me glad for you. more often than not I laugh, you have a way with words! I can't always send a donation, but will again, you are always on my list. You may not see us, but there are, I'm sure, many like me that read this blog quietly and cheer you on...keep the faith, some days thats all we have


It's always best not to make lists.....unless losing your sanity is on the list.
I find them overwhelming ;-)



I don't know you personally yet, but everything I see going on for you just makes me appreciate and be grateful that there are people like you doing this. What an amazing thing that SAINTS has going on! Thank you for leading the charge!


penny..hope is the one whose ears point forward all the time..faiths ears are all over the place.


I have a lot of respect for you Carol. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I could not do what you do. I love animals and want them to be taken from bad/sad situations, but I still could not do what you do. I do the easy part it seems, I write a cheque once a month. Yes, for a lot of us that is a financial challenge at times, but it is still easy compared to the responsibility you bear for all the residents at SAINTS. I also could not deal with all the emotional/physical toll that you do. Last week I was speaking with the receptionist at the place I have my hair cut at in Kamloops. She is fabulous and guess what, she knows you Carol! She worked with the SPCA for several years. She told me that she feels you have so much integrity and she admires you greatly. Thinking of you and SAINTS today Carol. Thanks from those of us who want to but can't......


Said it before, say it again Carol. Don't know how you do it. You have so much inner strength and courage, but you're not afraid to be vulnerable when a tragedy happens and you're hurting inside. The world is a better place because of you and what you do (and everyone who support you. It's been a really, really tough year for SAINTS but when you look at the horses quietly and happily grazing in the paddock, or the dogs racing around like crazies with smiles (!) on their faces, it has to be worthwhile. I was playing with Hope & Faith yesterday (two of the new bunnies) and they are so adorable. They seem happy and settled - I can't tell them apart yet but one of them comes up now and nudges with her head for attention.