I received an email from a very concerned volunteer for Carol. She is going through a huge amount of stress right now and it shows in her blog writings. I decided to post my answer to the email here because I think people should be aware that the board of directors is not heaping all the grant writing, funding, getting in touch with vendors etc all on Carol's shoulders. Right now we are juggling trying to organize a bake sale, getting proper documentation to a potential private donor and getting a funding program off the ground for the septic tank and I am arranging the gala location for next year now.
Instead of rewriting in a more professional manner what I wrote in the email I am going to just copy over my answer.
It is hard for Carol because she lives on site and that stress I don’t think any of us can ever take away from her. Just to address your concerns though – Meghann Cant Bennett and I have been writing grants for SAINTS for a few years now and have managed to secure quite a few of the grants. Meghann, because she is a far better writer than I, is now doing the bulk of the grants now. Carol though rarely posts when we receive them. Also the board is heavily involved in making the decisions around the major projects (ie we are right now involved in looking at funding but we can only proceed when we receive professional quotes which are happening right now). Rest assured Carol is not alone in getting grants and or professional help. The stress you are reading is not that she is having to do this herself – it is the reality that it is her – no one else- that must walk out in the dark with a flashlight and use a port a potty.
I support SAINTS from a distance via 1000 SAINTS and I totally agree with Colin's statement: I have total respect for Carol and everything she goes through and puts up with for the sake of animals who have nowhere else to go. Love your honesty, Carol!