Animal Updates

Photo Post

Carol  ·  Dec. 11, 2013

First, here are the newest saints

Fairlane - a beautiful, long haired, easy going, big boy. Fairlane is friendly, though may seem a bit shy at first. He is a healthy, gentle, lovely cat, likely about 10 years old.
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Daisy - is a senior cat that was a favorite in her former shelter. She is a quiet and sweet cat with some health issues.
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Darby - was a home surrender for biting. He is a very sweet and needy dog who was probably in the wrong home.
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Shep - is a 12 yr old shepx from the spca. He had a dental done and is on pain meds for his arthritis and some other things. He is very sweet and gentle dog that gets along well with cats and other dogs.
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Bobbi - was a stray who was lucky enough to find herself at saints during a cold snap. She will never be without food and a warm bed again!
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and here are a few favorites from the last few weekends (sorry for the lack of barn guys photos but its been too cold outside for me and also with the septic works its a pain to get around).

Jake - I know! tell me about it. The septic work meant I wasn't about to go down for runs in the lower field for a week!
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Fernando is such a cutie!
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Crash is so beautiful
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Buddy is serious most of the time and but also be very silly when he plays
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Jesse with his bestie, Andy!
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Roxy takes a great photo but still scares the crap out of me!
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Odie has been a good streak!
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I love all of the following cats and would take them all home if I could!

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