except he is far too fat for me to be able to lift on the bed. I felt bad about that.
he has had a bath and we will keep him on his antibiotics, add some surolan for his ears and pain meds for his hips to hold him until after xmas when I can get him into our vet for a really good new admission check.
daisy is not doing well. she is pretty much over the virus but she stopped eating on Wednesday anyway. last night I started syringe feeding and ran 120mls of sub Q fluids thru and erin started her on an appetite stimulant and switched her antibiotics. if she doesn't perk up in the next 24 hours, I think I will have to let her go. from her bloodwork we already know she has serious underlying kidney and liver issues, plus she has a small tumor over her eye now that doesn't look good... I think daisy may be reaching the end of her life. she is a very sweet cat whose life hasn't been all that great. we will do our best for her these last couple of days and then see where she is at tomorrow.
Thanks Nicole and Mo,
He was a great dog and a big goof ball...can't believe how many people knew him and were touched by his story and his spirit