1. we are no longer free feeding the mp room..they are getting full breakfasts and dinners instead so please do not put down any dried food bowls. I will take care of the feeding so no one has to worry that they will starve.
2. luna is never to be in the same room with tina unless I am there..she mauls her in playfulness and tina is too frail for that. luna can be in the big dog room or out in the yard when tina is in my bedroom. we started today to take her for field runs with some of the dogs, but she shouldn't go out there unless I am with her for now.
3. bobby can do almost whatever he wants.
4. I bought some new leashes and martingale collars because all of our decent ones have disappeared. please everyone put them directly back where you find them, the martingales especially are like gold to us and are highly needed around here to keep over reactive, sketchy or freaked out dogs safe when I take them into the vets.
5. lola is here...she is only intro'd to the computer room dogs so please keep the others away from her for now.
I think that's it!
lol...I wont