oh luna...you make my head spin!
24 hours ago, she so badly needed to connect with me that she was desperately grabbing me, ripping off my skin and bashing me in the mouth with her freaking flapping foot.
tonight...she is no where to be found. we are all laying on the bed watching "the vow" and I notice that she is missing along with the rest of the younger crowd. I call her and she flies in the dog door, jumps up on the bed, lays there for about 30 seconds while I ask her where she has been and softly stroke her head. then she bounces back off to go hang out with her friends...they are all laying in holes in the back yard cuz apparently this is fun...my young dogs are having a back yard camp out.
she popped back in again about an hour later to say a quick but gentle hello...then she was gone again, back out in the cold.
do you have any idea how amazing is this dog? less than a week ago she came in with a history of being skittish, terrified of men, cowering and barking at strangers, destructive when left alone loose in the house, chewing holes in herself when she was crated and peeing in the house. when she got here she was terrorized and wouldn't let me touch her and then suddenly she was all over me so very much that it freaking well hurt! and here she is tonight content with her k9 friends, cheerfully popping in and saying a quick and appropriate friendly hello when she was called.
wow...luna is a really fast learning girl.
are we over all of the humps in the road..yeah, probably not because she is far, far too smart of a dog. but geez I am proud of her to take such huge strides forward in such a short time...that takes guts and a different kind of soul deep courage. she is going to be a great dog!
she hears perfectly fine bridget..it is the Sibe genes in her that gives her the blue eye.