I guess if I am going to be honest..my getting mad and upset because I can't please everyone around here in every single way is just as selfishly petty and juvenile as expecting me to please everyone in every way. sigh..note to myself...grow up carol and get out of the sandbox...duh.
I swear to god...rescue will bring out the very best and sometimes the very worst in me. and this is why I will never get to wear those pretty halos and wings.
it was a stupid and sulky childish thing to say, "I will never say thank you to anyone here ever again.' ali made up this really great volunteer manual that she gave me to look at on the weekend and I really wanted to say thank you for doing it and doing it so well but I didn't.
I am a big whiny baby idiot-stick.
thank you ali, that manual really looks great!!
sorry guys, I will work on screwing my head on a bit better, it sucks to be nutz.
you are right it does suck that it has to involve all this bullshit, i admit i have made mistakes but admit it i can. and i will grow stronger and more caring because of it the animals should be no 1 after all is this not what it is all about. giving those ones who had such a shitty life through no fault of their own a better one. i will still say sorry for my crappy part in all this. and keep my mouth shut.i could not imagine my life without saints love that place like its my second home.