Rescue Journal


Carol  ·  Mar 9, 2014

the entire mp building stinks! this would be 100% the fault of our new arrival..nacho, the unneutered tom cat. gross and gag but he seems like a sweet (but stinky) cat. he goes in to the vets on tuesday...gas masks needed until then!

good day at saints today....i am pretty much dead from the time change. thx to everyone for everything..i would have been totally useless if i was here..time changes truly annoy me..can't handle them well anymore.

angel is not well today..she started vomitting last night and has not yet perked up much today...watching her carefully.

puff had a melt down..pepper got moved back to the mp room where he decided he needed to be spoon fed like pac.

and pac spent the afternoon with me again at work altho maybe i shouldn't have taken him because he really was tired and a bit sore from his barn time today.

i think that is all of the news..really looking forward bath, getting thru the meds, diabetics and yay...finally bed!!! (i was up a lot last night which totally sucked.)



Puff did turn into a bit of a dick at the barn late morning when I took him out for a final walkabout. He was fine when I took him to the lower field for a walk and run, just the two of us. He just wasn't in the mood for groups.


For the safety of all animals and people.. AND for Puff's emotional and physical welfare, he needs individual walks and playtime. I took him out before any of the other dogs this afternoon. An extra 15 mins is all it took.