not a great day.
the douglas college students tour went ok..they seemed to really enjoy themselves.
tess started seizuring while they were here. it was quite a long seizure and we had to give valium per rectum to get it to stop.i bumped rudi out of his vet appointment and renee and i took tess instead. tess started seizuring again as soon as we got home (a very bad sign.) we gave her more valium and have started her on a hefty dose of phenobarb. she is not able to stand yet, so besides the after effect of two serious seizures, that is a lot of drugs in her today.
i also discussed preacher with our vet...the staff really like him at the clinic but it is looking pretty grim...the meds are not working at all this time around. dave said they are having to cathetorize him twice a day with no other options as they are unable to even express his bladder. his urethra is clear and not obstructed so this all has to do with the profound nerve damage he suffered with his original sacral fracture. i have booked his euthanization for utterly sad, this totally sucks.
Forgot to add that at least Preacher was able to have some good times terrorizing and sneaking out at Saints (probably the best times since his injury) which is what it (Saints) is all about