Rescue Journal

odie was euthanized.

Carol  ·  May 24, 2014

it was advanced lymphoma, and due to his diabetes, steroid treatment to buy him a bit more quality time was not an option.

i will write more when i get home from work tonight, but i know everyone was anxious about his well being.


lynne arnason

why do my comments always disappear. i had one on here this morning itregistered and now its gone that happened to me yesterday too its a bit frustrating.

Lenore Henry

My sincere sympathy Carol and to everyone at Saints for the loss of Odie.

Barb H

So sorry for your loss, but at least he had you were there to see how he was starting to struggle and to help him along. Take care all.

shelagh f

oh my, at least he only made the one last trip to the vet. He was an un
predictable guy, but the kitchen will not be the same without him. so
sorry for the staff, he was a big part of the house. I admire you Carol,
you do the hardest job in the world and then go off to work to another
hard job. Always listen to your gut, because it always seems to be right


I'm so sad to hear about Odie. I'm still in Ontario, but check the blog daily, and he was one of my favourites for sure. Hugs to you Carol

another Doreen

That is such sad news.
But the kindest thing you could do for him in the long run.
At least he had a much longer and better life with you at SAINTS than he probably would have anywhere else!
He was definitely one of the most unique and memorable ones!


Oh no - SAINTS just won't be the same without Odie. Rest in peace, Odie - you will be missed,. So sorrry, Carol.


Oh no! I'm so very sorry to read about Odie. What a shock when I checked in to see how he was doing. He always sounded like such a character with such great spirit and spunk, and that amazing face. That's very sad news, and sudden for you too which must be extra difficult. I'm so sorry.