Rescue Journal

dalton is here

Carol  ·  Jun 28, 2014

sweet, sad dog.

dalton is a hard name to say with gentle love..he doesn't know it anyway so i have given him a new name.

adam...of the red earth. the earth will heal itself with water and sunshine. and adam will heal himself with kindness and love.

i don't know much of adam's story..only that the last people got him from the idea when he came from before.

here's a hint for everyone out there..if you cannot afford to look after an animal well or if you are simply too clueless to figure out that they really need certain things...don't get one. it doesn't matter how much you WANT one..DON'T do it..this will prevent you personally from adding to their lives of hell.

the vets are not sure they can save his might still need to be amputated. right now he has a couple of drains in it and we will see how he does. he loves the bed that erin picked out for him and left ready for him to use in the house. i bought him a brand new bright and cheerful collar and leash so he doesn't look like a helpless and uncared for dog. the clinic staff bathed him and the water ran red with his flea sucked up blood. lynne stayed with him while i did mp building bedtime and fed him sandwiches and kevin put the barn guys to bed for me so i wasn't away from the house for too long.

he has had his antibiotics and pain meds and is wrapped up in a fleece on his soft bed and i have promised him..he will never needlessly suffer again.

sweet dreams sad dog.



poor boy Adam' glad he got to go to Saints !! no dog should suffer' for lack of help'' & they all need "love too'


Adam has landed in doggy heaven. Looking forward to seeing him tomorrow. Such a sad story, but he's surrounded with love and care now.