Rescue Journal

quick updates

Carol  ·  Jun 29, 2014

adam had a good night.
bru is visiting for the long weekend.
dixie has diarrhea.
dolly has fit in well with our saintly sheep.
lola is doing well with her increased dose of pain meds.
capone has a potential new home coming today on my lunch break.
shma arrives tonight after work...(the 14 yr old JRT who lost his home due to a fire.)
i checked up on ollie in his new home, he is doing well.
i got an update on scratch and he is doing great.
if i have time today, i will phone and touch base to see how roxy is doing.

and i think that is pretty much it...gotta go, early shift again today.



Carol I forgot to tell you that I switched out the a/c unit from the sunroom. Brought in the one from the mp cats. Will think of options for the mp building tomm.