Rescue Journal

99.9% of the time....

Carol  ·  Aug 19, 2014

it is people shit that pisses me off. is the dogs.

this would be one of those 0.1% days.

they were alone for one whole hour and a half last night. renee left at 8pm and i pulled in at 9:30....luna ate the brand new window trim in the big dog room that was just put in that i haven't even had a chance to paint yet...and gilligan ate the red leather couch. i was so mad at both of them that my only choices were go out immediately a buy a gun or turn right around and go to bed while bitching about how much i truly dislike young stupid dogs.

i fell asleep imagining the cement floored, chain link kennels i would like to make..or even better.... dog sized boxes made out of cement blocks to stick the busy destructive bastards in when no one can actually watch them.

i LIKED that god dam red was sophisticated and classic.



shelagh f

oh dear, i always thought when i had foster puppies, what one
didn't think of, someone else would. Bad dogs.
was a nice couch