a fight over the food bowl. boomer was down, belly up, gilligan the 90 pound moron on top. lucky i was in the next room...TOTALLY pissed me right off! when yelling as i was running for them didn't make it stop..i threw the xpen...great big scary noise! scared the crap out of both of them and they high tailed it outside. i had to suck up to boomer to get him back in so i could check him over...he was freaked out over the fight and the noise of the flying xpen. he is ok...tiny nick on the ear. still the fight scared the crap out of me..giant big dog flipping out on the underside of not so big boy.
grhhhh, damn dog.
i went out to the shop and grabbed another pen to section off the room so gilligan is alone with his own food bowl..more grhh. then i had to go out and suck up to the big stupid and violent lout to get him back in because he was terrified that i was so mad at him. sigh...he is emotionally fragile.
not that it matters that much to me...fighting is NOT allowed.
anyway..tonight is just a quicky pen off fix..tomorrow i will do it better.
why do i take in these young stupid dogs??? oh yeah, right...he was a jelly fish at animal control and his kidneys are toast.
he better not be one of those not really dying dogs or i might just be thinking of giving him a push off a cliff! (if i had one of those.)
love ur commen t mo too priceless