tang has an abcessed tooth..he is on oral antibiotics and will have a dental once the meds kick in next week.
agnes had her vet visit...a few minor adjustments on her meds and as soon as her skin is a bit better, she can go in for surgery if her blood work is ok. the vet thinks she is 5 or 6ish so not super young or super old.
both agnes and tang were very afraid but they managed ok.
new older cat coming in..possibly another dog...we will wait and see who exactly ends up needing us.
finally...jack the budgie has a new buddy..he has been lonely since jill passed away. i almost caved in and went to the pet store to buy him a friend but finally, after waiting for months... one came in to the spca and needed a home so jack can now be happy again.
dionne is in love with that turtle..she thinks he is the cutest thing ever....donatello has a very best friend. everyone needs to be special to someone so i think this blossoming ninja friendship is pretty darn great!
i was out at the cottage when not doing the vet run and will be back out there again tomorrow. i am finally making headway on getting the reno/repairs done on the septic, fireplace and electrical. it was a beautiful fall day at the lake!
Poor Tang, He is Such a Sweeetheart