
Santa's Visit to SAINTS

Sheila  ·  Nov. 25, 2014



Everyone knows that the SAINTS residents are good little boys and girls so Santa decided to make SAINTS his first stop of the season. Thank you Jennifer McNIchol and Robert McNIchol for volunteering your time.

If you think the backgrounds of some of the shots are super cool go to Triple Tree Nursery on Lougheed Highway November 29th. Jena Photography and Big Air Photography will be there taking pictures with Santa.




Kudos to Santa. He is the happiest, friendliest looking Santa I've ever seen.


I really miss Nudge and taking her to get her photo taken with Santa. She was such a good sport about it and she felt special because she got to go out somewhere when the other cats didn't! She would strut around here showing off that she got to sit on Santas knee.


I don't know about others, but I need to get this baking out
of here. I keep thinking, so just one more cookie. good grief,
I have had too many cookies today.


So great to see Santa with the Saints crew - wonderful pics. I too love the one with Moose!


Cute photos!
Hijacking this post. If Penny sees this I won't have baking at EastRidge for her until Thursday!! Or I believe Carol is picking up a coworker's baking Thurs as well!

Lenore Henry

Great photos - Moose truly looks like royalty snuggled up to Santa!!


i love these photos so much, especially the one with Moose lying with his head down with santa! they are so great!


SO ADORABLE!! Love that the bunnies got in on the act as well! Great photos.