Rescue Journal


Carol  ·  Feb 14, 2015

thank you ali and wes for katy's new outside paddock!!! it looks great!!!!

katy got lot's of extra special TLC today from all of the barn folks..she ate a bit of this and that but not nearly enough. I think her pain is better controlled with the new meds and I think her eye might be starting to feel marginally better.

we are just going to have to wait and see how she does and keep trying as hard as we can.

selena is doing ok...she really is a very sweet dog. she did get quite stressed when I introduced her to the bed buddies buts that's because coda bear is such a dip shit.

the new little bladder stone guy is here...his name is also kobi so I am tweaking it a bit to Colby. nice dog..very sweet, he is already a bed buddy.

the vet called...lab test results are back...

carters FeLV has invaded his bone marrow and he is now in full blown leukemia.

kyah is a bit anemic..we will re- test in a month or so.

doughie is in moderate kidney failure, she will be started on meds in her new home.

and phoebe is getting old too...her kidney function is not all that good.

I think that is pretty much all of the news.



Thanks Ali, I enjoyed it, really I did. love to help out when needed.


Wow, Phoebe getting old...... I remember the days when she was one of the most unpredictable, challenging dogs....she has mellowed with age for sure; sorry to hear her kidneys aren't functioning properly. She drives me crazy with her barking on Sundays,but I do really like her.
Glad Katy's home now....