looks like we have a round of kennel cough starting. interestingly enough it came not from a new incoming shelter dog but from a visitors dog. not his fault, he wasn't showing symptoms on the day he was here. shit happens..we have been thru it before and will be thru it again. we have been pretty lucky..our last bout was several years ago. if this follows the same kind of progression...most of the dogs are immune from previous exposures in their lifetimes but some of them won't be. the ones who do get sick, it should be just a minor irritation, and a few who might get really sick, we will be monitoring really carefully.
and life will go on.
I do however suggest that folks use this as a reminder...wash your hands frequently and change your clothes and toss in the laundry as soon as you get home. this should be done every time folks are here..not just when we have a new virus making the rounds.
Supposedly the Parvo virus is spreading around too