the problem with arrogantly stupid people is they try to come across as intelligent and wise....I might occasionally (or frequently) suffer from this would I know? I am pretty sure arrogantly stupid people might not actually have the insight to know.
in any case, that guy who wrote that article about dogs being easily replaceable and worth far less than human beings, got every dog lovers knickers in a knot for being so dismissive and disrespectful to a much loved species of other beings.
you know is fine to not like is fine to not care too much about them or think they are far beneath you personally. but where that guy made the biggest mistake was assuming that he had the right of it and it was his role to educate because the rest of us were just stupid.
now he does not seem to understand why everyone got so pissed off.
so instead of maybe re-thinking his take on the importance of dogs in some of our lives and maybe what we are getting that he may be missing, he digs his heels in even deeper...and why is that?
because he is getting violently ignorant emails and actual death threats.
so he writes an article that is so utterly clueless to be laughable and the nutbars grab the bait, jump into the fray to beat him up, get him fired, make him pay and what did he actually learn?
that people who love dogs are for sure totally crazy and wise and intelligent people like him are victims of our lunatic love of dogs.
which was exactly the point of his arrogantly stupid article.
enraged dog lovers banded together and proved him right.....go figure and that sucks.
two wrongs never did make something right.
See Surrey Now website, then look up Adrian MacNair opinion and you will see what he wrote. The following week was another reporter's opinion and many letters from the public, plus an apology from the Editor.