chico was in foster care with renee and passed from this life surrounded by love and tears.
and as tina left this world, she took my heart with her.
as I was driving into maple ridge with tina curled up in a soft bed beside me, I was stroking her gently, running her whisper like hair between my fingers and I was thinking of the 2000 days and nights that I have loved touching her. I am sure renee was thinking similar thoughts on her final car ride with chico.
and I realized that for those of us at saints that love, that care, that accept our hearts being broken, over and over again, that we speak with our hearts thru our hands.
our eyes see and our hearts feel the needs before us, but it is our hands that do something about meeting those needs.
every animal here places their weary hearts and souls in our hands. they entrust the preciousness of their beings in our hands and we care for them, we love them, we protect them, we cherish them. our hands becomes their womb, their nest, their home, their fortress to withstand the storms outside.
our hands tell them the honest to god truth that they are loved by our gentleness, by our caring, by our strength to keep holding on.
eyes can turn away or become blinded, hearts can become hardened or entrapped in illusion, voices can spin wonderous fairy tales, but hands speak the truth every day.
hands work, hands hold, hands provide, hands comfort and sooth.
hands surround tiny, frail and ancient bodies like tina's. hands cupped the fragile spark of her spirit and held her gently protecting her from the storms of helplessness outside.
and for the moments or months or years that each of us held her, and chico and all of the others...their spirits burned bright.
rest in peace chico. rest in peace tina...all of us are mourning the loss of your light.
there are no words adequate t share my heartfelt sympathy, Carol. no words. so i send love and hugs even knowing how inadequate they are it is all I have.
your post today is so completely true. each little life takes a part of you with them saving those pieces with them in heaven until you are joined together again.
love to you and renee