patches...12 yr old grumpy calico cat from nelson...she is in the medical room.
sasha...also from nelson is a senior deaf tabby cat with a chronic nasal infection and heart disease. sasha is currently caged in the mp communal cat room.
holiday is a youngish bicolor black and white, and he too is from nelson. he is also a diabetic and currently is caged in the house left back cat room.
and finally, the last cat in tonight is from Surrey...Binx is a stunning, exotic looking tabby cat with a facial growth and he is chilling out in addy's cage in the house right side cat room cuz I wasn't really expecting him tonight so we never got around to setting up his holding cage.
oh well...addy won't mind spending the night free..she likes being out and about.
we also have a new stray duck...she flew in on her own yesterday. kevin was going to name her but I forgot to ask him today what his final choice was. I will try to remember to ask him tomorrow.
it was a pretty busy intake day in addition to the sad out going of shep.
Okay Helga, sounds like we are talking about different Cali's. Mine was the sweet girl who lived in the rabbit/medical room then moved to the MP room. I think we lost her about 2-3 years ago.