a single nuked serving of pasta only goes so far between one hungry adult human and 7 not so hungry but want some anyway dogs. roger's heart was broken when after everyone got their one generous mouthful..i let daisy lick out the bowl,
dogs can silently communicate quite effectively..he really wanted to lick out the bowl.
sorry bud..it is part of daisy's anti-dementia therapy...she always gets to lick out the bowl.,,consistency is critical for our marginally out to lunch little girl.
gerry did very well at the vets, he is such a very good boy. still waiting on some previous vet records before we decide about an ultrasound.
miley was also a very good girl at the vets but the news on her is not good. it looks like both of her cruciates are totally blown..it will make surgical recovery really difficult. she is going back in on thursday for xrays of both knees and hips. the radiographs will give us the info we need to decide whether to attempt surgical repair or allow them to heal with meds and rest.
miley says she would prefer non surgical intervention...she votes for rest and eating more pasta in bed.
another silent but excellent communicator.