Rescue Journal

today's updates

Carol  ·  Nov 24, 2015

miley is home..took me a bit to get over being pissed at her. i purposefully booked tons of shit into thursday so i could have friday off to spend at the cabin with my daughter and grandkids..i promised ethan we would make bread. well miley has to go back to the vets for a recheck on friday now so i was a wee bit choked that she was trashing my plans. whatever, not her fault and i am over it. she is cute and i am glad she is home. and i will still go to the cottage for awhile on friday at least but maybe we will make cookies, it is faster than bread since i will have to leave early.

mojo is home and feeling fine. he really is a very nice old boy. he is very happy to be home.

shyla had her obvious fractures (or bullets) no dysplagia either. one of her hips is not in great alignment and it looks like there is an old knee tear. not much to be done except good arthritic pain control and see if with some exercise her muscles become less stiff and sore. the vet is very pleased with her skin...amazing what antibiotics can do to help an infection! she continues to be a super sweet and sensitive girl.

oakley...little annie oakley...she is actually settling in and getting her happy on. we watched the voice and snuggled on the couch...she was giving me lots of face licks and occasionally almost poking out my eye with her happy, pet me more foot. she is way more tolerant of the other dogs coming to me for affection, she even popped her foot on top of mojo's head in a good natured welcome. i think our family while expanding is also blending together pretty damn well.
anyway it is nice to see the worried/unhappy look on its way out and the smile on her face and in her eyes when she is looking at me coming in. sweet dog, just kind of needy.


Carol A.

Wow..... what a great update. Thank you Carol. I had to go and check out the faces of all these newbies. Miley and Oakley and Shyla. All sweet sweet dogs.
Sorry about your Friday.