Rescue Journal

many hands...

Carol  ·  May 30, 2017

zander is eating, he is drinking a little less water, (he was consuming enormous amounts!) and he seems a bit brighter.
he is still however quite weak and wobbly, he has lost a great deal of weight in the last few months and needs to put it back on.
i can no longer smell the ketoacidosis on his breath so that is a great sign too.
we will keep plugging along until we get his health back to where it should be.

we continued to struggle with accommodating bears needs..he has had his neuter and his eye surgery, his diabetes is coming under control. so those are all good things. however his issues with eye drops. insulin pokes, cats and vinnie have not improved much so we have done one final major shuffle to keep the other animals safe (we humans can use a muzzle for the medical stuff.)
i can probably assume this solution will not be a hugely popular thing but day one and it seems to be working. we will give it til the end of the week to make sure it is ok for all before crowning it the final workable solution and moving on.
the bottom line is, if we can manage it, without upsetting the others too overly much...bear deserves a decent quality of life.
hope floats that this is it.

kit kat was moved over to the medical room. she needs a quieter space.

the bunny build continues.

i am so excited that today's volunteers got the upper field harrowed, fertilized and re-seeded. the timing is so perfect because we can expect the next few days of rain to help it all mesh well together. THANK YOU GUYS!!! huge worry off my head that i was not going to get it done before the dry weather hits. and since anne and kyle already did the lower field and the sheep pasture...our small grass growing window is in really good shape. YAY!!!!
and i LOVE the new color on the pretty and peaceful!

i have 2 more work days before my holidays begin and then i can jump right in and help getting the pre open house stuff done.
many hands make lighter work.

so very, very grateful to the many hands who are chipping in!
