Rescue Journal's here...

Carol  ·  Jun 10, 2017

open house day...

all of my freaking outs getting here are almost behind me...
except for maybe the damn washing machine in the house.
it was on the fritz yesterday which kind of screwed things up.
i did manage to get that problematic load finally thru and then i ran it on the deep clean cycle while empty but that took a couple of hours.
this morning i put the first load in and my fingers are crossed that it works.

nothing like starting our big open house with a bunch of stinky laundry we can't put thru.
hope floats that the machine can get us thru a couple of more days at least.

i am so truly grateful to all of the folks who chipped in to get us here....i think the place looks pretty good!
hopefully the public enjoys their visit and comes away from here with a greater understanding and compassion for imperfectly perfect animals that fall thru the cracks in this world.

please god..don't let it rain between 11-3 today and tomorrow.
oh...and keep that washing machine going too!
