i spent a couple of days out at the cabin (thx anne for babysitting the crew!) I cooked, washed floors and bathrooms, did laundry, raked leaves and cleaned the oven! plus i watched a bunch of movies and had several naps!
and it was quiet and peaceful...except for the occasional phone call re saints..no one was calling my name or asking me advice, or wanting something from me....or peeing and pooping on my clean floors!!! i could walk around the cabin in my bare feet!!!
oh well those days are over and i am back at saints.
not much happening here, the staff had it all covered so once home...i ran some errands, worked on my power point presentation for the conference, answered some questions for the PAR project, got reports from some of the vets, worked with renee on the shelter report for the upcoming board meeting and also a proposal to submit to the board for an equipment purchase. shit..these set of holidays are over and i still did not clean out my car! oh well i have a few days off at the end of the month..maybe then.
everyone was happy to see me home..esp the ones who are totally stuck on me like luna, minnie, mystic, boomer, buddy, robbie, flynn, zander and that damn crazy dog shyla! oh and poppy was really happy to see me too because i ALWAYS give her treats!
plus some of the cats were happy to see me too...well no one was unhappy i was home but some cared more than others that i was back after 2 days. we have some very great cats...conan, god, tang, mia especially!
not really much news right now...so very sad to lose kitkat, she was such a lovely girl. and aura (another renal disease cat) right now isn't doing all that well.
its funny when i go away...so happy to get the heck out of here..miss all the critters like crazy and perfectly happy to be home again..surrounded by them..because i love them...even if they sometimes are a pain in the ass.