in all honesty..i wasn't that keen on turning 60
Carol · May 1, 2018
but today changed many truly lovely good wishes from so many unexpected sources. so many thoughtful messages, cards, gifts and just some plain good ole laughing fun!
makes me think..i am really lucky to have had 60 years of knowing and loving some really incredible people...
to my family, to my friends at saints and in the real world of nursing land..
thank you for 60 years of making my life full of goodness, kindness, love, and laughter.
i am truly grateful for you all.
today wasn't about me turning was about all of you and a life full of some of the most wonderful people!
the only not so great thing today was zander bit me...i think he wanted to keep me real. tonight i might be all warm and fuzzy inside from the absolute beauty of living...but happy 60th or not... blood can still flow!
love you all..
(zander maybe not quite so much.)