Rescue Journal

a couple of new intro's...

Carol  ·  Jun 22, 2018

lucy is a new cat arrival. she has vomiting issues and her past owner had health issues and was unable to manage her care. lucy is currently upset and is fairly aggressive in expressing her anguish, we are hoping she settles and gets over it soon.

benjamin is a 5 yr old french bulldog with spinal issues affecting his mobility and bladder/bowel control. he is booked for a neurological consult next week to explore possible treatment options if any. he also has the usual frenchy issues..problems with breathing due to conforming to current breed standards. he is a sweet little guy who gets way too happily excited which really is not good for his current health issues.

the back cat run issues have been repaired..vern poured new cement to close up the foundation holes and thankfully the cats can go outside again. before he moves on to his next job, he has kindly agreed to frame in a small outside cat run for our medical room cats. we can add shelves and climbing ramps as volunteer labor allows once the basic structure is complete. the medical room cats will be so happy to finally have an outdoor run of their own.

the other newby cats..carl and bella are slowly making their adjustments..they just need a bit more time.
and newby dogs jax and bailey had their vet visits..bailey is good to go, but jax needs a major dental. both have settled in and seem happy, enjoying the extra TLC.
