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Final installment of the first Blog.
We had a hold on bringing in any new sheep until Louise left us. Louise was a frail sheep and had issues walking, so we didn’t want to introduce any new sheep until her time had come. Once this sad day had passed, we accepted two new sheep at SAINTS, named Val and Charlie! It is always amazing to see how quickly sheep are accepted into the herd compared to goats! Val and Charlie were tested and quarantined before coming to SAINTS. They were given the all-clear and transferred to us. They have integrated into our flock nicely! That makes a total of five sheep we currently have, along with our loving Deedee (Llama).
Just before our sweet Rhonda’s passing, we were asked to accept another goat called Alpine. She is an Alpine goat, the same breed as Rhonda. Goat introductions can be brutal, as they establish a pecking order within the herd. Beanie especially was not fond of Alpine. A slow introduction was needed. We also taped Kongs onto the horns of the other goats to prevent injury. A few weeks later, they are now all together after some head-butting!
Did you know that almost all of our pigs are now together? Introducing pigs is not for the faint-hearted! They do squeal, and it can be rough at times! We are so glad that they were introduced; now they all can be seen sleeping together and socializing! The only exception is Noni, our 'Almost tripod.' Noni has only the use of three legs. She sleeps in a small stall in the barn and is treated like the princess she is, with bedding and blankets. Each morning, she gets out of bed (with encouragement) to go to another stall or walk around the barn. Pigs are extremely clean animals and will not poo or pee in their bed, so getting up is good for her body and for going to the bathroom. We take it day by day with Noni; if one day she can no longer walk around or get out of bed, a decision may have to be made. Currently, she is happy and keeps going! She loves scratches and will lift her hind leg so you can get in there and wipe her bum, which she loves! She is on a lot of medication to keep her comfortable, in addition to massages and laser therapy.

Our aviary has had an influx of two new pigeons, Flurry and Cow. They came to SAINTS separately but have integrated into the flock well. As some of you may be aware, we had three pigeons previously, and London and Baron formed a mated pair, leaving Glory to her own devices. Enter Cow! Cow was found by a friend of SAINTS and cared for him until he could be transferred to us. He has settled in great and was flirting with both Glory and London! A few weeks later, we got Flurry. Cow has been a gentleman and shows Glory and Flurry just as much attention! We are currently keeping an eye out for a dove to befriend our single dove, Lisbon. We have a range of other bird species on-site such as a Turkey, Chickens, Ducks, and a Quail! Currently, there has been a large outbreak of avian influenza in Mission and the surrounding area. We have precautions in place to reduce the likelihood of them catching this.

SAINTS is home to 12 rabbits, and our newest addition is a lionhead called Wren. She had the fastest introduction we have ever seen! After just 2 days, she was integrated into the group with Steel, Ellie, Peaches, and Lucy. They accepted her as if she had been there her whole life! Rabbits are such playful creatures and watching them have zoomies is one of the purest sights to see! We have changed the diet of our rabbits to reflect a more balanced and nutritious diet, as some of our bunnies are on the chunkier side. One interesting thing we discovered is that 3 of our rabbits (out of 6 siblings) have no abdominal wall, which makes them look bulbous on the sides. It is just a genetic abnormality, but it does make them appear as though they have a growth or fat. They are overweight, but this explains the bulge on their sides! We have a few ongoing medical issues with our rabbits. Wren and Ellie have neurological issues, causing them to be wobbly and occasionally fall over. They have been on various medications and have made trips to the vet, but it is all neurological, and there is nothing more we can do. They seem happy and content despite the occasional wobbliness.

We now have two Guinea pigs at SAINTS! The first two were Gallie and Louie, surrendered from a school. Both were older and had some medical needs. Unfortunately, before we got to know Gallie well, he was rushed to the vet and let go due to torsion. Louie also has a growth on his underside, which we are hesitant to operate on as guinea pigs are notoriously difficult when undergoing anesthesia. We have decided that at his age, it is better to just treat for any pain. He is thriving at SAINTS, but we noticed something wasn’t quite right; he was lonely. We then got Lima, transferred from another shelter. They are currently housed next to each other, and hopefully, they will be able to be introduced in the future. They are both very sweet and sleep next to each other between a fence. The few introductions we have done have shown Lima to be dominant and a little feisty. But when a fence is between them, they spend a lot of time together.

SAINTS property
February 21st we posted our property was listed for sale and March 3rd we can announce that the property has officially sold.
And now we begin the hunt for new property. It will not be easy as we have very specific needs and understand that with larger property comes larger expenses and also a mortgage. We will need the help of all that belong to the village we call SAINTS to achieve our end goal.
As we pause to reflect on the incredible journey of our organization, SAINTS, we are overwhelmed with gratitude for the remarkable individuals who have poured their hearts and souls into making our mission a reality. Today, we want to extend a heartfelt thank you to our outstanding staff, dedicated volunteers, and generous supporters. To our staff: You are the backbone of our organization, tirelessly working behind the scenes to ensure that every aspect of our mission is executed with excellence. Your dedication, passion, and unwavering commitment inspire us all. Thank you for your hard work and for being the driving force behind our success.
To our volunteers: You are the heart and soul of SAINTS. Your selfless contributions of time, energy, and expertise are invaluable beyond measure. Whether it's lending a helping hand at events, spreading awareness in the community, or providing crucial support in various projects, your efforts do not go unnoticed. Thank you for your willingness to give so generously of yourselves and for embodying the spirit of service.
To our supporters: Your belief in our cause fuels our determination to make a difference every single day. Your unwavering support, whether through donations, advocacy, or simply spreading the word about our work, empowers us to continue striving for positive change. Your commitment to our shared vision is truly heartwarming, and we are deeply grateful for your ongoing support. Together, you form the beating heart of SAINTS, and it is because of your collective efforts that we are able to touch the lives of those we serve.