My Story

Babe needed help. Her person couldn’t afford to take her to the vet. And she desperately needed to see a vet. What her owner thought was a yeast infection due to having diarrhea and not being able to clean herself, actually turned out to be cancer.

Between SAINTS and the FVHS, we found a way to save Babe. She’s now had her cancerous masses removed from her vulva area and is on the road to recovery. Having surgery in ones nether region is no fun for anyone, but Babe is a ROCKSTAR. She’s got a bit of a hill to climb ahead, she needs serious pain control for both the recovery and arthritis due to obesity. But this girl is ready to start her new life. She’s an absolute delight and we are forever grateful to our donors for allowing us to help the most vulnerable.

And to the FVHS, this is the third life we were able to save simply by pooling resources. We could not have done it without any of you!