My Story

Meet Cleo!

A homeless camp in our area was dismantled, the people shuffled on, the derelict RV and other stuff left behind was all taken to the dump. A week later one of the people contacted authorities and said his cat was inside the RV. Now, the officials who were tasked to check this out assumed they were looking for a deceased cat. The RV had been at the dump for seven full days. They were able to sift through the packed trailer and found nothing. After 40 minutes of searching, about to give up, the bathroom door was uncovered and inside the tiny bathroom sitting on the closed toilet seat…. was Cleo.

Not only did this girl survive seven days with no food, no water, no heat, ventilation, nothing at all…she’s also diabetic. Receiving treatment now, Cleo looks like a brand new cat. She is very sweet and friendly. We guesstimate her age to be around 13 years. No doubt she has been through some things we can’t even imagine.

This girl is a survivor. We are thrilled we were in a position to be able to accept her.

Welcome to SAINTS, and your brand new life Miss Cleo!
