My Story

Dukes family was unable to keep up with his rising vet needs. And rising they certainly are. We knew immediately he was in overwhelming pain, it took some testing to find out why.

Duke has a torn back right cruciate ligament. the only treatment is surgery but unfortunately with the complication that he doesn’t have full use of his front left leg surgery is not a option at this point. There is a painful mass in the bone of his carpal (wrist). Cytology results are inconclusive. It could be cancer. It could be scar tissue from a traumatic injury that is now debilitating arthritis.

He has arthritis in many of his joints. He was underweight. His bloodwork and X-rays of his internals look great. He is a very sweet dog. He is well mannered, happy and settling in nicely. He loves company. He loves to eat so we will hopefully get him to a healthy weight.

Duke is taking a whole gamut of medication to help get his pain controlled. We are so thankful Duke’s family surrendered him. We may not be able to fix him. But we have made him comfortable.

Every animal, given the right home, could be placed in foster care or adopted. To find out if one of our animals could be a fit for you, please email to start a conversation.

💜 Sponsored by Odie, Tassy and Banjo for 2025💜

💜 Sponsored by Carmela Buonaccorsi for 2025💜
