
General Information

Personal Info

Please tell us about yourself.

This information is required so that we can assess how and where you may best be able to assist as a volunteer.
Are you able to make a commitment of a minimum of 50 hours or 6 months? 
Are you 
Have you ever been charged with animal cruelty? 
Are you a youth, between the age of 10 and 16? 
If between the age of 10 and 16, do you have a parent or other adult guardian available to volunteer with you?
Are you a court referred volunteer? (Communityservice) 
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Do you have physical limitations that may affect how you're able to volunteer? 
In which area(s) are you interested in volunteering? 
Animal Info

Please tell us about animals you have, or have had, in your home.

Please tell us about animals you have, or have had, in your home. 
NameTypeDaytime locationNighttime locationWhere did you obtain them?Spayed/Neutered
Have you ever had to find a new home for a pet?

Volunteer and General Experience

Have you ever had any previous experience with SAINTS? 
Have you ever volunteered with an animal rights group? 

Volunteer Agreement

With my submission of this form, I acknowledge and agree to the following: Having attained the age of 19 years old, I understand that I am wholly responsible for my actions and their consequences. I will hold neither SAINTS nor any of the volunteers, staff, board member or director responsible or liable for any injury to myself while at SAINTS. If I am applying on behalf of a minor dependent I agree that: As the legal parent/guardian of the applicant, I grant them my permission to both attend and work as a volunteer at SAINTS I understand that I am wholly responsible for the actions of the aforementioned person, and the consequences thereof. I will hold neither SAINTS nor any other volunteer, staff, board member or director responsible or liable for any injury to the aforementioned person while at SAINTS. I understand that I will be required to sign a physical consent form before my volunteer training begins.
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