Is having a slow recovery from the anaesthetic so he can't come home tonight. I will bring him home tomorrow on my lunch break. The tooth was not abcessed, it was encased in a tumour. The biopsy results should be in by friday, but the vet feels that it is malignant and she was not able to get it all. I wished we had left it alone now. Arrrrgh why can't we know these things for sure before we start. If it is cancerous, it probably already extends up into the bone and nasal cavity, ( we can see the bony mass on his cheek already, so it isn't rocket science that Bill is in trouble) I am not letting anyone start cutting bone out of him, he is simply too old, so worst case scenario is Bill will become palliative. Maybe I am worrying over nothing and the biopsy will be benign, I have been worrying alot lately.
How's Bill doing, Carol?